Psst, Over Here...

hear what all the humbug is about



Elevator Pitch

also known as the 60-second sell

Up and Running in 5.3 Minutes1

with dtrace probes in your webapp

For Rails Apps

  • Inside your config/environment.rb
  • config.gem 'rack-probe'
  • config.middleware.use 'Rack::Probe'

  • To verify, from a terminal
  • rake middleware | grep Rack::Probe # => use Rack::Probe

For Rack-based Apps

  • Inside your rackup file
  • require 'rack/probe'
  • use Rack::Probe

Extra 5 minutes to get up and going with Dtracy

and get wicked cool visualizations for your data

For Rails Apps

  • Inside your config/environment.rb
  • config.gem 'ecin-dtracy', :lib => 'dtracy'
  • config.middleware.use 'Dtracy::App'

  • To verify, from a terminal
  • rake middleware | grep Dtracy::App # => use Dtracy::App

For Rack-based Apps

  • Inside your rackup file
  • require 'dtracy'
  • use Dtracy::App

Visit once you're all set.


buy them a beer, won'tcha
1 Claimed time is dependent on internet connection and typing speed; if you ain't got a T3 and can do 243WPM on a keyboard, it may take slightly longer.